FatFace - Where I Belong
I worked as a cleanup artist on FatFace’s 2023 winter campaign film ‘Where I Belong’.
Below are some of the shots I cleaned up + coloured for the film in TVPaint.

Director: Seed Animation Studio
Creative Director + Screenwriter: Morgan Powell
Executive Producer: Neil Kidney
Producer: Rebecca Hardess
Background Design: Hugo Cuellar
Character Design: Louis Roskosch
Animation: Freddie Elsom, Giulia Frixone, Eloise Garlick, Ilaina Lowe
Cleanup Animation: Peter Chownsmith, Itziar Ortiz González,
Jamie Hobbs, Daisy Mojave Holland, Hannah O’Brien,
Richard Smithson, Saffron Arden-Sodje, Ada Wikdahl
Editor + Compositor: Morgan Powell, Neil Kidney
Music: Box of Toys Studio
Production Company: Seed Animation Studio