Headspace - Guide to Sleep
I worked as a cleanup artist on episode 4 of Headspace’s ‘Guide to Sleep’ series.
The full episode directed by Alex Grigg can be watched on Netflix.
Below are some of the shots I cleaned up + coloured for the episode in Adobe Animate.
Rough animations by Sabine Volkert and Joe Sparkes.

Director: Alex Grigg
Executive Producer: James Stevenson Bretton
Senior Producer: Melissa Venet
Production Manager: Jolien Buijs
Design: Laurie Rollitt
Lead Animation: Joe Sparkes
Animation: Sean Weston, Hozen Britto, Michael Towers,
Sabine Volkert, Kim Alexander, Jimeno Farfan, Elena Bolado
Cleanup Animation: Krisi Zhupali, Joe Cheng, Joumana Ismail,
Kim Alexander, Jimeno Farfan, Jamie Hobbs, Ned Mackness, Natalie Gray
Compositing: Rob Ward
Production Company: Blink Industries